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Pb De Communication Avec Le Support Chinois




Je suis Jetflyer. Ce post concerne plutôt l'administrateur mais puisqu'il est demandé de poster toutes les demandes sur le forum, je fais ma demande ici.

J'ai acheté un TS219 P avec pour l'instant un seul disque de 2To (en attendant que les prix redeviennent plus raisonnables.

Je ne suis pas un professionnel de l'informatique. Je suis assez familier avec l'utilisation d'un PC et je sais créer un réseau en me servant des outils Windows 7. En revanche, je ne sais, par exemple, pas intervenir dans une base de registre. J'ai lu très attentivement le mode d'emploi du TS 219 P que j'ai téléchargé et fait imprimer à l'extérieur.

Mon NAS est destiné à servir de sauvegarde pour mon PC et à être un serveur multimédia, principalement pour la musique. Pour l'instant, cela fonctionne correctement lorsque j'écoute de la musique avec mon ampli audio vidéo, en revanche je n'arrive pas à utiliser les application:

- Squeezebox server (QPKG plugin)

- UPnP media Server.

Il semble que les 2 problèmes aient la même origine : ces applications cherchent un dossier Qmultimedia qui n’existe pas puisqu'il a été remplacé par un dossier Multimédia sur les nouveaux modèles.

J'ai lu sur le forum ce qui est dit à ce sujet et je comprends qu'il faut utiliser Telnet pour faire des modifications dans la structure des fichiers (en fait, je ne suis plus tout à fait certain de ce qu'il faut faire car j'ai creusé cette question il y a tellement longtemps que je ne m'en souviens plus bien. C'est l'objet de cette intervention sur le forum).

Ne sachant même pas ce qu'est Telnet, j'ai cherché sur le web puis j'ai tenté de faire ce qui était recommandé mais je n'y suis pas parvenu. Il faut dire que ce genre de manipulation n'est pas vraiment à la portée du grand public.

Nous entrons dans le vif du sujet.

J'ai donc envoyé une demande d’assistance au support. Dans la mesure ou mes problèmes doivent concerner l'ensemble des acquéreurs des nouveaux modèles, j'ai demandé s'il n'existerait pas une routine que l'on pourrait m'envoyer et qui résoudrait le problème.

J'ai reçu une réponse de mr AJ Lee qui me disait, le 28 décembre 2011 :

"Dear Gerard:


This is AJ from QNAP support team.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Let me help you online, please prepare below tools on your desktop before we met.

My office hour is 16:00 to 24:00 (UTC +08:00) this weekday.

Also let me know when is ready.

(1) Teamviewer:

(2) PuTTY (Please keep port 22 opening):

Thank you."

Les deux liens donnant accès à plusieurs possibilités, j'ai répondant en demandant ce qu'il fallait faire exactement.

Depuis lors, j'ai eu de nombreux échanges avec lui sans que cela aboutisse à une intervention de sa part car

- il ne répond jamais précisément aux questions

- ses phrases sont en style télégraphique dans un anglais qui n'est peu être pas maitrisé.

J'en viens à me poser la question suivante: mon interlocuteur parle t-il et comprend t-il l'anglais ?

Je joins ci-dessous, à l'attention de l'administrateur de ce site, l'historique de nos échanges. J'espère que vous pourrez m'aider à avancer vers une solution.


P.S. Je me demande en particulier ce que veulent dire les deux premières ligne de son dernier message ci-dessous . Je pensais qu'il allait m'appeler sur Skype et j'avais préparé mon ordinateur pour être prêt à lui répondre. Depuis lors, plus de nouvelle.

Dear Gerard:

I'm sorry, wait 1 hour.

I have to release my duty.

We will have Chines New Year during 1/21 to 1/29.

QNAP office will open on 30th Jan.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused and happy Chinese New Year!!

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/20 AJ Lee <>

Dear Gerard:

OK, see you later.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/19 Gérard

Ok for 10 am

Envoyé de mon iPad

Le 19 janv. 2012 à 04:43, AJ Lee <> a écrit :

Dear Gerard:


I'm sorry to say, it should out of my office hour and I will be at home.

Can we make it earlier?

I think at 10:00 (UTC +01:00) will be perfect and it should be my local 17:00 (UTC +08:00).

What do you think?

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/18 Gérard

You can call me on Skype at 2 pm Paris time. My Internet connection is not perfect so I can’t guaranty that it will be possible to talk without problems through Skype but we can try.

My ID is: xxxxxxxx

De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : mercredi 18 janvier 2012 04:08

À : Gérard

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:

Sorry, I miss the session.

Can you allow me to know via Skpye or MSN account?

I will be on duty till 18:00 (UTC 08:00).



Support (English and Chinese only)



Support, Service Hours:

09:30~ 24:00 (GMT + 8, Mon. - Fri.)

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/16 Gérard

I am waiting your call on : +33 1 xxxxxxx

De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : lundi 16 janvier 2012 09:22

À : Gérard

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:

Sorry for the late reply.

Sure, I will be available today 12:00 (UTC +01:00)

It will be my 19:00 (UTC +08:00).

Catch you later!

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/11 Gérard

Bonjour AJ,

I have tried to figure out what is the exact meaning of your “help you online” sentence. So that everything goes flawless please confirm that it will work that way:

1 – I have to install Teamviewer and Putty on my computer. It’s already done !

2 – You will call me on the phone at an agreed time

3 – Once on the phone,

I will start Teamviewer and give you my ID and password for this software

You will take control of my computer

I will give you IP address of the TS219 on my LAN

You will probably go there and see if everything is configured correctly

You will start Putty and make the necessary connection to the system files to fix the problems

Probably you will also take the necessary steps so that I can access to the QNAP through the Internet

4 – I don’t think you need any other password than the one for Teamviewer. Please confirm that.

5 – If I am right, we have now to choose a time for our phone meeting: I suggest tomorrow 12.00 Paris time (GMT + 1). Is that ok for you

Best regards

De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : mercredi 11 janvier 2012 11:56

À : Gérard

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:


I need you online also, please allow me to know your ID and password of Teamviewer.

I will access and help to solve problems.

Thank you.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/10 Gérard

Thank you AJ.

Will you be able to access my computer and my Qnap when I am away or do you need me to be in front of them when you do it ?

About the second link, what have I got to do ?


De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : mardi 10 janvier 2012 13:30

À : Gérard

Cc :; Dale Chen; Florent Verthuy

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:


(1) TeamViewer QuickSupport will be fine.

(2) I would like to help you solve the problem via a remote session.

Thus, I need ID and password of Teamviewer to access and connect with you.

(3) That warning message, please check your DNS server or gateway or Submask IP address.

Thank you.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2012/1/10 Gérard

Dear AJ,

I was away for holydays, that’s why I didn’t answer to your last email earlier. Now we can go on.

- You didn’t answer to my previous email.

As already mentioned, I had already clicked the links you had sent me but I don’t know what to do once they are open. Please tell me what exactly I have to do once the links are opened
- I need to know what you intend to do with my ID and password, so explain what will happen once you have got them.
- I have now other difficulties:

I have installed the Sqeezebox server VIA QPKG plugins on the Qnap but I can’t use it for the same reason I can access to the Upnp sever: I have got to choose the folder where my music is but I can’t do it because there is a
proposed instead of the
one. I can’t see any way to resolve this problem

When I enter the administration system of the Qnap, I get this text: System has detected that your DNS server can't resolve hosts, and some applications might not work properly.

Please go to
" System Administration > Network > TCP/IP "
, and check if you have entered the valid DNS server. If you are not sure what to use, please contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask for the correct information.
Some of the terminals on the network are connected via CPL. I thinks the problem comes from that because when I try to connect with my Iphone with Qmobile in rooms that are far from the one where the Qnap is, it doesn’t work. I have tried with a network speed of 100 mbps instead of “Auto negociation”. In that case, I don’t get the above text but the transfers between the Qnap and the PC are 10 times slower. As everything except the access through Qmobile seems to work properly, I stick to the Auto negociation speed.

Thank you in advance for your help


De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : vendredi 30 décembre 2011 15:01

À : Gérard

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:

Please click the link that I gave you and allow me to know the ID and password.

Thank you.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


QNAP Systems, Inc.






Our advice is strictly limited to the question(s) asked and is based on the information provided to us. QNAP Systems Inc. does not assume any responsibility or liability for the advice given and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this information. Always back up your data. For more information, including technical information updates, please visit our website at

2011/12/28 Gérard

Bonjour AJ,

Thank you for your email.

I have had a look to the Teamviewer site. I guess you want me to install it on my computer so that you can use it as a remote controller. Please let me know which version you want me to download and install: the full version or another one (Quicksupport for example).

About the Putty software, there are a lot of possibilities on the page coming with the link you sent me. Which one do you want me to use ?


De : AJ Lee []

Envoyé : mercredi 28 décembre 2011 10:24

À :

Cc :; Dale Chen; Florent Verthuy

Objet : Re: [support] TS-219P II - France - QA1227235829

Dear Gerard:


This is AJ from QNAP support team.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Let me help you online, please prepare below tools on your desktop before we met.

My office hour is 16:00 to 24:00 (UTC +08:00) this weekday.

Also let me know when is ready.

(1) Teamviewer:

(2) PuTTY (Please keep port 22 opening):

Thank you.

Have a nice day!

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